




I’ve been groovin’ on a mini-series around a subject that has been all too relevant in my life – AKA the  discover weeklies have been good to me. Calling this #MusicForTheBones.

Mentor: Shawn Hight


When coffee doesn’t quite wake your bones up like you want it to, you know what does? Music. Believe me. One study deemed music “a type of legal performance-enhancing drug.” Sports teams even saw it as too much of an advantage for players to have headphones in while playing… (think in the movie ‘Hardball’ – jiving to some Notorious B.I.G. can really yield a few flawless pitches, yeah?)


Wanna know how wild music's effect is on our anatomy? The chills you get when you listen to music is caused by your noggin' releasing dopamine (that ‘feel-good’ chemical), while anticipating the peak moment of a song. And our pulse? It fluctuates to try to keep up with the rhythm of whatever we're listening to. Think – music to literally take your breath away? Maybe. Probably. I believe it. 


Face it. It's been months and you still can't get kendrick's 'DAMN.' album out of your head. We share the same headspace, friend.

You might be thinking there's no rhyme or reason, but SURPRISE! There is. It’s called ... dun dun dun... an ‘earworm’, which is a graceful and non-horrifying term to call that cognitive ‘itch’ your brain picks up from all that killer music you’ve been feeding it. this ‘itch’ is your brain craving to fill in the gaps in a song’s rhythm, which automatically gets filled via auditory cortex yaddah yaddah. In other words – your brain just keeps on ‘singing’ long after the song has ended...

Preproduction and Process:
